Saturday, September 27, 2014

Why Art Should Never be Underrated

You should never, ever, ever, look at any art and say 'wow that's stupid' or dumb or anything like that. Want to know why? It's because there's a lot of things that go into every piece of art that makes it just the way it is. And if an artist is showing it to you, which means they're most likely happy with the way it turned out and therefore proud of it.
Art is always amazing because there are a lot of factors that go into making a piece of artwork. The main ones are picking one of many different types and styles of art and going from there. Then the artist must decide how much detail there should be and how real it should look, they usually want it to speak to the viewer on many levels, just like the way a well worded poem might. And they also have to spend a large amount of time and effort on just one piece.

 There are many different types or art, and an uncountable amount of styles within every single type.
Sculptures are pretty extremely cool, because they can be made with any material imaginable. Clay, however, is the most common. Like with this cute little dragon: )
Or this cuter, tinier, little hawk.

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Even though clay models are adorable and awesome, sculptures made from other materials can be hella rad too. Like this metal lion:

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Another type of art are paintings. My personal favorites tend to be oil paintings like this one:

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Mainly because they can be super realistic and can express tons of different things. ( Most of the pictures I post as examples are mainly going to be oil paintings because I play favorites like that.)
Another style is sketching. You could use your pencil, or charcoal, or whatever. This picture was drawn in charcoal:
Doctor Who Tardis in charcoal by jacqui-kate
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There's also a new way to make art and that is on thee computer. This is a super cool example of that:

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This picture is a good example of how real a drawing can look. The shading, wrinkles, unorganized hair, cheekbones, pores, and missing teeth, all add to it.

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Artists can put days and even months worth of time into just one piece of artwork.

Art can emotionally speak to you. With the right captain or description, an artworks' meaning can hit you really hard. Like this picture.
When you look at this picture try to really take it in before reading further.
Whatever Turns You On - oil painting by borda

Kind of extremely weird right?

The caption is "Whatever Turns You On". Now look at it again.
Is it even the same piece of artwork to you? It changed to me. Her nose is as small as it can be, which tends to be the wanted look. Her lips are huge, glossy and glittered. The way most people seem to find attractive. Her teeth are perfectly straight and white. Her eyes are large with an ample amount of makeup on them. Her eyes are a very pretty blue, green color. She has seductress, bouncy dark red hair. She has light blush spots on her cheekbones. Her fingernails are long and manicured, with a golden ring on her right hand wedding finger. She has a chain of pearls in her mouth, which apparently some men somehow find hot. Now look at the extremely obvious. Makeup covered tears streaming down her face. Now take another look closer. She has a small band aid at the top of her cheek. Not so subtly indicating some kind of physical abuse. Now look into her eyes. Can you see the man reflected in them? Can you imagine what is happening? It's not hard to piece together. Most of you will probably still think it's weird but I find that it has so much meaning packed into it, the 'weirdness' really isn't that weird.
It also takes artists an incredible amount of time to make their art. First they have to find all of the perfect material for the project they're working on, like the frame, the canvas or whatever they decide to put it on, the paint or charcoal or clay for actually making it and so on. That usually takes a while to find and so they have to put a lot of time in even before they start to make it.
PS- If you didn't notice I use many Deviantart for finding artwork. That's because it's a free site where people can buy and sell art and it's a really great site over all so check it out!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why Everyone Should Learn From Kid President

By now you have probably seen a few videos, or hopefully at least heard of, Kid President. So far he has met President Obama, BeyoncĂ©, Ellen, and a lot of other famous people. He's just a cute kid that makes videos right?
He's a lot more then that. He's an inspiration to be a better person, to keep a good attitude even when things are tough, and, of course, to always dance.
Kid President has Osteogenesis Imperfecta which is also known as Brittle Bone disease.
(More Information about OI here: )
The most recent number on the media of Kid President's broken bones and surgeries were 50 and 13. And yet he still has an infectious smile and positive message on all of his videos.
Kid president also gives great quotes to live by. Some of my favorites are "You can't be sad when you're holding a cupcake" and "What if there were really two paths? I'd want to go down the path that leads to awesome." I mean come on people. It doesn't get much better then that.
Also Kid President is like ten years old. What were you doing when you were ten? I'm pretty sure at that point I still thought I was the coolest kid around, always wanted presents, and sung way too much considering I have always been tone deaf. Instead of doing that, this kid is going through hard stuff, like breaking bones, and yet he still has the time and spirit to inspire the world. He's ten you guys! That's crazy!
Another thing is he is confident and doesn't let anyone else get him down. Which is something I personally look up to. Like in the video of him cat caroling. Most of the time people gave them weird looks. And once a guy didn't even look up or smile or give any sort of reaction to it. At that point I would have trailed off awkwardly and walked away and my face would have been so red I would have looked sun burnt.
He doesn't let his fears stop him. The one thing he said he was afraid of was talking to girls so he made a video of himself calling one and showed everyone he could overcome what he was scared of. By doing that he shows you that you can too.
His video are made to help you realize how to make the world, and sometimes even yourself, better.

Kid Presidents YouTube page:
