There is a lot of debate over feminism lately, so I'm just going to break it down for you based on my opinions.
Feminism is:
Women trying to get the same rights as a man.
Feminism isn't:
Women hating, and believing that they are better than men.
I personally believe that the time is way past due for a woman to have the same rights as a man.
However, saying that, some women aren't physically able to do some jobs, the same as some men aren't. Being drafted for a war, for example. No one in their right mind would let Steve Rogers go to war, just like no one in their right mind should say that all women need to go to war too. Sure, have women sign up for the draft on their eighteenth birthday, just like men. But it also must be taken into consideration that some women, just like some men, are not physically capable of doing some things.
Women don't need special treatment, but, I feel like there's still some word floating around, something pretty similar to common courtesy..... what was it again? It's something that for some reason people can be lacking in, just like with common courtesy. Oh, I know.
Chivalry. Men don't need to pay for every meal they go to when they are with a woman, but they also shouldn't flat out refuse to pay either. Let your girl pay for you sometimes, but don't forget to also grab the bill every once in a while too. Guys don't need to shove their way in front of a girl just to open the door for them, but if you're already there first, why wouldn't you just extend your arm and keep it open anyways? No matter what gender of person is behind you.
Now this is a big one for feminism you guys:
Rape culture.
I have been, and have friends that have been, sexually harassed by someone that doesn't know how to back off. #NotAllMen, right? Right. But definitely #YesAllWomen. I, and the vast majority of women, are quite well aware that not all men are creeps that don't understand that no means no. But, that doesn't mean that all women, at some point, haven't come across one.
Clothing has nothing to do with rape.
"She asked for it." No, actually. If a woman is raped, it means that in no way did she want "it". It doesn't matter if a man feels led on. It doesn't matter if she changed her mind half way through. No means no. If a woman doesn't want it, she doesn't want it.
Women that think they deserve more than men, are elitists. Not feminists.
Men that think they deserve more than woman, are elitists. Not an average guy that has every reason to stand up for his way of life.
Things need to change, and things are changing slowly. The only question is, are you going to be someone that helps change society for the better? Or are you going to be just another person holding it back.