As you may or may not know by now Supernatural has just aired its tenth season. How can a show go that long? Well, obviously, it has to be pretty darn tootin awesome. And Supernatural is. It's a show everyone can get into because it's overflowing with multiple genres. Its action packed, thrilling, funny, dramatic, and much more.
It's the fighting with angels, ghosts, demons, Lucifer himself, and many more unimaginable things that give this show its action base. It can get gory at times, but it usually doesn't go over the top. The classic supernatural gore tends to have the camera pan away when someone gets murdered instead of showing the persons actual death scene and shows blood thrown on a wall or something instead.
It's those said creatures and gore that help give Supernatural a thrilling feeling. It can be pretty scary at times. It isn't only jump scares either, fear can run through an entire episode just because of what kind of monster the characters are dealing with. I tend to be at the edge of my seat, wondering if someone is going to die again.
Although hunting down monsters is the main plot for the first two seasons, it changes during season three and begins to focus more on saving the world and dealing with character issues.
There are a lot of really funny moments in the episodes that are basically there just to slightly ease up on the tension. The more common, and usually the best, funny times are when there is a miscommunication between humans and angels. (Which usually happens when something pop culture is mentioned because angels don't keep up on that stuff.)
Supernatural does have a lot of drama in it throughout the whole entire show. It ranges from family drama to the end of the world drama, and includes everything in between.
The actors have really good chemistry as well, and it really appears throughout the show and helps make the on screen relationships that much better and realistic.
However, one thing I don't care for about the show, is how the writers don't allow any of the main characters a good, long love life that will last throughout the show. Don't get me wrong, characters have lots of relationships, but none of them last. The two most common reasons for them not working out is because either the characters love interest dies, or the character lets them go because 'they don't get to have a normal life'. Actually, generally all female characters get killed off, and it's something I wish would be changed.
With all of these things, Supernatural is one of my favorite shows. I love how no matter what the main characters go through, no matter how hard a situation can get, you know they'll figure out a way to fix things eventually.
Hey Jacey!! I love this show, and completely agree that it is both amazing yet terrifying at times.