Taylor Swift is awesome. Hands down. Period. The end.
Well maybe not the end. You might need some convincing. Well it's your lucky day because I'm going to tell you exactly why Taylor Swift should be someone you look up to.
First and foremost. She has recently become an out spoken feminist. Do you know how cool that is? Women cop a lot of crap all the time for being feminists, when really, all we're asking for are equal rights. But that's another blog post. All I'm saying, is that Taylor Swift is publicly standing up for women. And it's pretty hella awesome. I did use the word recently. That's because, if you have ever listened to some of her older songs, they weren't exactly the nicest to her exes new girlfriends. But that's what makes her even cooler. She's like a real life example of character development. She speaks out against women being mean to women now. She used to not want to be associated with the word feminism at all. But then she learned what it really is, and she changed. What's that mean? You got it. It means she's amazing.
Second off. She's done taking crap from the media. Shown by her 25th birthday tweet:
That's right people. She's not dating anyone. She has statement several times that she is happily single and yet people still refuse to stop trying to lump her with every guy she takes a picture with. In fact her love life has been a pretty popular topic for quite a while now, even though, her personal life and therefore privacy shouldn't be violated the way it always seems to be. It's honestly getting ridiculous. And she's not afraid to say so either.
Thirdly. She's down to earth. People can relate to things she posts on social media. Like pictures of her adorable cat.
And as an added bonus; she's also on Tumblr. That's right. Tumblr. Possibly the best social media type site known to man in this day and age. It makes sense though, seeing as how Tumblr is largely made up of feminism and the LGBT community and such.
And I could go on. But I won't. Because that would feel a bit too obsessive. Anyways. Your take away should be: Taylor Swift is a role model for being able to change who she is for the better, and for letting that new person actually be herself.
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