Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ellen Degeneres

Ellen DeGeneres. Need I really say more? No. Trust me I know. But I shall say more anyways. Because this is my job. Kind of.
Ellen DeGeneres. More like Ellen thee Generous. Am I right? Of course I am! Do you know how much she helps people out? Not only just financially, but inspirationally, and motivationally too. (wow that's a lot of -allys)
She isn't quite Oprah with handing out financial help (But who really is? (besides Oprah herself of course.)), but she has helped a lot of people in need out. The main type of people I hear her giving money to are students, for doing some magnificent yet unappreciated thing or other. However she has given out a lot of things for no reason other then someone being a fan. How cool is that? What? I didn't hear you. Super you say? Right on.
She gives inspiration to a lot of homosexual people. She's proof that things could get better. That, although it's hard and kind of scary to come out and be openly homosexual, it'll be alright in the end. because the people that love you will accept you. And the people that don't aren't worth your time.
She's also very motivationally through a lot of things she says and does. One of the things being through Finding Nemo. With her key phrase being "Just keep swimming" it's hard to not look to her for a bit of motivation.
I personally have also never heard of her putting another person down. This is not me saying that she never has, just that there has never been a huge scandal that I've heard of, of her bashing someone. Which proves even more just how great, and accepting of a person she is.
Ellen is pretty well known for being hilarious as well. On her show she'll go through her audiences, and even sometimes her staff members Facebook pictures, just to get the background story of their wacky pics. Her whole aura tends to be humorous in some way or another. From the times where she puts herself in other movies to her everyday reactions to things that happen during her show, it's not difficult to take an immediate liking towards her.
Ellen is always entertaining and even uplifting. She gives a helping hand to the people that watch her without always being consciously aware of it. And that's what makes her so special.

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