Thursday, April 2, 2015

Indiana's 'Religious Law'

You've all heard of Indiana's law by now right? Right? You know, the one where it made it legal to discriminate again? The one Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, and less note able people, such as myself and the majority of the whole entire United States of America talk about with disgust? I hope so. If you have not heard about it, well my poor dear child, there is a chance you have your head up your booty and don't pay attention to news. But never fear sweet child of mine, there are many people in the same boat. And since I love you and want you to be informed here is a link that will describe to you, a fairly sufficient amount of what this law entitles.
What this law is doing, is basically making it legal to refuse service to people based on their sexuality. My honest reaction to this would be probably about twenty question marks in a row, but since people might not understand the point I would be trying to get across, you are are going to have to imagine me looking as confused and disgusted as a human can possibly look.
Why would it ever be a good idea to legalize discrimination? I' pretty sure progress means going the other way. You know. Like making it illegal to discriminate. To actually once again try (and very likely fail but try nonetheless because you have to start somewhere) to meet the standards of equality that the United States of America supposedly offers.
When looking up this ridiculous new law I stumbled across this. Check it out. Watch the little video at the bottom. Because I think it's beautiful, and way more forgiving and hopefully than i could really be about this subject.

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